
Query language

Search your notes with Lumen’s GitHub-style query language. Here’s how it works:


Key Example
id id:1652342106359 matches the note with ID 1652342106359.
tag tag:recipe matches notes with the recipe tag.
tags tags:>1 matches notes with more than one tag.
date date:2021-07-11 matches notes with the date 2021-07-11.
dates dates:>1 matches notes with more than one date.
link link:1652342106359 matches notes that link to the note with ID 1652342106359.
links links:>1 matches notes with more than one link.
backlink backlink:1652342106359 matches notes that are linked to by the note with ID 1652342106359.
backlinks backlinks:>1 matches notes with more than one backlink.
tasks tasks:>0 matches notes with at least one open task.
no no:tag matches notes without a tag. no can be used with any qualifier key or frontmatter key.
has has:tag matches notes with one or more tag. has can be used with any qualifier key or frontmatter key. has and -no are equivalent.

Unrecognized qualifier keys are assumed to be frontmatter keys. For example, read:true matches notes with read: true in their frontmatter.